Search Flights from Kaadedhdhoo Island to Woodbridge

Approximate Travel Distance
Approximate Flight Duration
Popular Airlines
Popular Airport
8,726 Km
10 hour 50 min
Bentwaters St Airport

Transportation to Kaadedhdhoo Island Airport from the City Center

It’s really easy to reach Kaadedhdhoo Airport from Kaadedhdhoo Island by taxi, which is a key method of local transport. The distance between the city center and Kaadedhdhoo Airport is only 3.7 km, so it’s not really possible to find any means of using public transport. It takes a maximum of 10 minutes to get to Kaadedhdhoo Airport from Kaadedhdhoo center by car.


The main form of transportation on the island is via taxi. You can usually get to Kaadedhdhoo Airport in 5-6 minutes by taking one of the taxis that you can find 24/7 around the central areas of Kaadedhdhoo. The majority of taxis have a taximeter, but some drivers might ask for a high price because they don’t use one so it’s useful to watch out for that.

Airport Information

Kaadedhdhoo Airport, of Kaadedhdhoo Island, is only open for domestic flights. It’s situated in the south of the Maldives, in Gaafu Dhaalu. It’s been in service since December 10. It’s 3.7 km from the center of Kaadedhdhoo Island, and 340 km from Malé, the capital of the Maldives. Maldivian is the only airline company that operates flights to Kaadedhdhoo Airport. You can reach Kaadedhdhoo Airport directly from Gan, Kadhdhoo and Malé airports in the Maldives.


Last Updated: 23 Jul 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Wingie offer the cheapest Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge flights?

When you search for Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge flights, Wingie directly gathers and compares instant data from all airlines. You can see all Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge flights together for the date you are looking for and choose the most suitable flight.

Which airports can I use for Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge flights?

For Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge flights, you can use Kaadedhdhoo Airport as departure airport, and Bentwaters St Airport for arrival.

How many kilometers is the flight distance from Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge and how long does the flight take?

The flight distance between Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge is 8725 kilometers in total. The flight between the two cities takes 10 hour 50 minutes.

Which day is the most convenient for Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge flights?

When the average prices are examined, the most suitable day for Kaadedhdhoo Island-Woodbridge flights is Monday.