Search Flights from Kassel to Woodbridge

Approximate Travel Distance
Approximate Flight Duration
Popular Airlines
Popular Airport
569 Km
1 hour
Bentwaters St Airport

Transportation to Kassel Airport from the City Center

You can reach Kassel-Calden Airport from Kassel city center in a comfortable way by getting on a taxi or renting a car. If you want to use a means of public transportation, there is an express bus route going to the airport from the city center. If you need to travel to the airport from Calden, you can get on a taxi and reach the airport in a short time since the distance is very close.


It is possible to reach the airport from Kassel city center by taxi. You can get to the airport in maximum thirty minutes under normal traffic conditions. The amount you need to pay for this travel is approximately 28-30 Euro.


You can directly reach Kassel-Calden Airport by using the bus route 100 which is an express route departing from the city center. If you are coming from a different city or rural area of the city, you can get on this bus from Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe Railway Station. Travelling to the airport from the city center lasts about 25-30 minutes by bus.

Car Rental

There are many car rental companies offering service in the city center. You should drive northward on the highway B7 and follow the airport signs in order to get to the airport. You can reach the airport in maximum 30 minutes by renting a car. In the airport parking area, there is a private area where you can deliver the car you will rent.

Airport Information

Kassel-Calden Airport, which is shortly referred to as Kassel Airport or Calden Airport, is located 2 kilometers of Calden and 16 kilometers of Kassel. There are parachuting and flight schools in the airport region. The airport also welcomes companies for product launching, concerts, motor sports, fashion shows, exhibitions and many other events. If you want to get more information about airports and aircrafts, you can join airport tours by making a reservation in advance.

At Kassel-Calden Airport, which is a small airport having a terminal, essential services such as ATM, pharmacy, child care room and foreign exchange office are offered to the guests. There are also areas where you can buy souvenirs. If you are hungry or want to drink something before your flight, there are also areas created for this purpose. In addition, there is a conference room.

Last Updated: 18 Nov 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Wingie offer the cheapest Kassel-Woodbridge flights?

When you search for Kassel-Woodbridge flights, Wingie directly gathers and compares instant data from all airlines. You can see all Kassel-Woodbridge flights together for the date you are looking for and choose the most suitable flight.

Which airports can I use for Kassel-Woodbridge flights?

For Kassel-Woodbridge flights, you can use Kassel Airport as departure airport, and Bentwaters St Airport for arrival.

How many kilometers is the flight distance from Kassel-Woodbridge and how long does the flight take?

The flight distance between Kassel-Woodbridge is 568 kilometers in total. The flight between the two cities takes 1 hour .

Which day is the most convenient for Kassel-Woodbridge flights?

When the average prices are examined, the most suitable day for Kassel-Woodbridge flights is Monday.

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