Search Flights from Kerkyra to Coventry

Approximate Travel Distance
Approximate Flight Duration
Popular Airlines
Popular Airport
2,167 Km
2 hour 40 min
Coventry Airport

Transportation to Kerkyra Airport from the City Center

Since the distance between Corfu International Airport and city center is about 2 kilometers, it is possible to reach the airport in a very short time. You can get on a taxi. If you rent a car, you can deliver it at the airport. If you want to use a means of public transportation, there are 2 bus routes going to the airport. Don’t hesitate to ask help from your hotel. The people in the city are very kind to tourists.


You can easily find a taxi in Corfu or you can ask your hotel to arrange a taxi for you. You can reach the airport in a short time for a very affordable fare. You can also give some tip to the taxi driver. This amount can be 5-10% of the total fare.

Car Rental

You should follow the route 25 in order to reach the airport from the city center. You can reach the airport in about 10 minutes.


The bus routes 5 and 6 departing from the city center carry passengers to the airport. The travel lasts about 10 minutes.

Airport Information

The airport, which is also known as Ioannis Capodistiras International Airport and shortly referred to as Corfu Airport among the public, is located just 2 kilometers of Corfu city center. to the south. Established in 1937, the airport also offers service for international flights since 1965. The airport becomes very busy together with the increase in the number of tourists coming to the city between April and October. There is also a large lounge at the airport, which offers a great view for its passengers during take offs and landings thanks to its location along the coastline. You can eat or drink something in the café/bar located at the airport. You can also do some shopping by visiting the duty-free shop.

Last Updated: 16 Mar 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Wingie offer the cheapest Kerkyra-Coventry flights?

When you search for Kerkyra-Coventry flights, Wingie directly gathers and compares instant data from all airlines. You can see all Kerkyra-Coventry flights together for the date you are looking for and choose the most suitable flight.

Which airports can I use for Kerkyra-Coventry flights?

For Kerkyra-Coventry flights, you can use Corfu Intl. - Ioannis Kapodistrias Intl. - Capodistrias Intl. Airport as departure airport, and Coventry Airport for arrival.

How many kilometers is the flight distance from Kerkyra-Coventry and how long does the flight take?

The flight distance between Kerkyra-Coventry is 2167 kilometers in total. The flight between the two cities takes 2 hour 40 minutes.

Which day is the most convenient for Kerkyra-Coventry flights?

When the average prices are examined, the most suitable day for Kerkyra-Coventry flights is Monday.

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