Search Flights from Petropavlovsk (Russia) to Chelyabinsk

Approximate Travel Distance
Approximate Flight Duration
Popular Airlines
Popular Airport
5,809 Km
7 hour 10 min
Chelyabinsk Airport

Transportation to Chelyabinsk City Center from Airport

In Chelyabinsk, the most commonly used means of public transportation in urban transportation is bus. The amount you need to pay for one-way ticket is only 0.50 dollars. If you are planning to stay in the city for a long time, you can buy a monthly card. You can buy your monthly ticket by paying 14 dollars. Another common means of public transportation is marshrutka. In marshrutkas, straphangers aren’t accepted and the fares are fixed as 15 rubles. Trolleybuses are also quite common in Chelyabinsk. By using these three means of public transportation, you can easily travel in the city and also visit the nearby places. If you are using a smartphone, you can see all the routes and stops thanks to the 2GIS application, which you can download on your phone.

Taxi is a means of transportation that you can easily find in the city center. Taximeters start charging from 2 dollars and it increases 0.5 dollars per kilometer. One hour waiting time of taxis is 5 dollars. On the other hand, the fares are higher at late hours. The train station located in the city is not only used for urban transportation but also for intercity transportation. From here you can easily get to Moscow and Astana by getting on a train. By transferring, you can also get to other cities.

During your visit, you can rent a car or motorcycle from one of the car rental companies located in the city center or at the airport. Since the city is quite small, you can travel around with your car without fear. However, you must remember that you should have an international driver's license.

From Chelyabinsk International Airport, you can get to the city center by bus, taxi or shuttle service. Some hotels also offer airport shuttle service. If you want to have a comfortable transportation vehicle during your travel, you can contact one of the car rental companies located at the airport.


There are bus stops at the exit of airport terminal. You can get on one of the buses going to the city center. They operate at frequent intervals. You can buy your ticket by paying 0.50 dollars. The tickets are sold in the terminal. You should first on take the bus route 82 and then transfer to the route 99. The travel to the city center from the airport lasts about one and half an hour.


You can easily see the taxis waiting for their passengers when you get out of the airport arrival terminal. There is taximeter in all taxis and the fares are standardized. Travelling to the city center from the airport by taxi takes about 30 minutes under normal traffic conditions.

Car Rental

At Chelyabinsk International Airport, there are the offices of both local and international car rental companies. By visiting one of these companies, you can rent a car suitable for your budget. They absolutely want to see your international driver's license. You will not have to wait at the airport for long minutes if you complete your car rental process on the internet before your arrival. If you make an online reservation, your car will be ready for you at the arrival time of your flight. You should follow the highway E30 to reach the city center from the airport. The travel lasts about half an hour.

Hotel Shuttle

Although not every hotel located in the city center offers airport shuttle service, some of them offer airport shuttle service for their guests. Although airport shuttle services are a little more expensive than taxis, they are very comfortable means of transportation. If you make a reservation in advance by contacting your hotel, your vehicle will be waiting for you at the airport when your plane has landed, and your driver will welcome you at the exit of the baggage claim area.

Shuttle Service

At Chelyabinsk International Airport, there are buses operating under a private company and offering shuttle transfer services. By using these services, you can easily reach the city center. You can get information about the departure hours of these services at the arrival terminal. Although the amount you need to pay is slightly higher compares to bus, shuttles are more comfortable means of transportation for travelling to the city center.

Last Updated: 23 Oct 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Wingie offer the cheapest Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk flights?

When you search for Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk flights, Wingie directly gathers and compares instant data from all airlines. You can see all Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk flights together for the date you are looking for and choose the most suitable flight.

Which airports can I use for Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk flights?

For Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk flights, you can use Elizovo Airport as departure airport, and Chelyabinsk Airport for arrival.

How many kilometers is the flight distance from Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk and how long does the flight take?

The flight distance between Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk is 5808 kilometers in total. The flight between the two cities takes 7 hour 10 minutes.

Which day is the most convenient for Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk flights?

When the average prices are examined, the most suitable day for Petropavlovsk (Russia)-Chelyabinsk flights is Monday.

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